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From Mega ModelsDifferent Fuel
The fuel has changed! It now has a hole in the middle to accommodate the fuse and has much improved smoother burn.Fuse 1 metre �4.50
66 pcs standard fuel 35z
66 pcs contest fuel 35z
40 pcs contest fuel 50z
40 pcs standard fuel 50z
27 pcs contest fuel 100z
Jet Setter 30in span
Jet Setter 18in span Jet Fire F50 18in span
Jet Setter Angel 24in span
Jet-X is back…
And better than ever!
Click Here to buy online direct from the manufacturer
The NEW FORMULATION JET-X fuel is better than ever, with new anti-hygroscopic components. The new formulation is not affected chemically by extremes of moisture or heat.
We test the pellets in extremes of temperature up to 60 degrees centrigrade, and in relative humidity levels up to 90%. The pellets do not alter chemically as a result of these tests. If the pellets are stored in a damp atmosphere, all that is necessary is to leave them on a radiator for a few hours to remove all traces of excess moisture, and a wonderful performance will ensue.
We manufacture Jet-X motors and fuel, and supply users throughout the world, and have thousands of satisfied customers. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the invention of JET-X we supply a special Anniversary edition comprising everything needed to power a Jet-X model.
We also manufacture a wide range of kits for Jet-X power, from the simplest power assisted free-flight Jet-X models to modern day space ships, and even a JET-X boat
The World’s smallest Jet Engine
Now with high –Boost Fuel Pellets and Catalytic Top Hat Gauze
The new catalytic top hat gauze helps smoother flights, makes for easier loading, gives a smoother thrust, first time firing and increased running time
Click here for an article on the history of JET-X and how to successfully set up a JET-X model

This new size motor has been in development for over a year and is the most powerful produced so far. Average thrust is 6oz and the motor spec is weight 19g, length 63 mm, dia. 24 mm, internal dia 18.5 mm. Will take up to four pellets but can be test flown on two or three. 50th anniversary set with 27 pellets, 1 metre fuse and gold anodised Jet-X motor, all in a useful display box with full instructions.
Standard Set JX21 Price
including 18 fuel pellets, washers and fuse
Anniversary Set JX21A Price �33.50
includes 27 contest pellets, washers, fuse, drill and anodised housing

50 Z

The all new 50 Z. This motor is a big improvement over the rest of the 50 series and boasts a much thicker and metal reinforced sealing washer (NOT suitable for any other engine) and the latest technology rocket nozzle, which tests have shown can increase the effect of thrust up to 25% depending on the model the 50 Z spec is weight 5g, length 44mm, dia 18mm, takes up to four of the new z-type (hole in the centre).
Standard Set JX1 Price
including 36 fuel pellets, washers and fuse
Anniversary Set JX1A Price
includes 36 contest pellets, washers, fuse, drill and anodised gold housing

Atom 35

All new 35 size weight 3 gm 44mm long takes up to 4 pellets but flies well with 3 for approx. 25 sec. Average thrust 2.5ozs
Standard Set JX10 Price
including 36 fuel pellets, washers and fuse
Anniversary Set Price
includes 36 contest pellets, washers, fuse, drill and anodised purple housing